Reframe Your Future

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Lesson series
  • Facilitator/s: Lara Ellwood / Saffron Baggallay
  • Course duration:
    4 weeks
  • Level: Introductory
  • Course type: Online / Virtual
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Certification included
We acknowledge your commitment to our courses, and as such, they all come with a certificate of completion, provided you meet our attendance criteria, complete the required online activities, and pass your final quiz.
Course overview

Explore our EQ (Emotional Intelligence) GOLDEN toolkit, a comprehensive 30-day program designed to provide you with quick, achievable, and practical tips for applying emotional intelligence in your daily life.

Learn effective stress management techniques and cultivate emotional safety to shape a positive future. Join our empowering 4-week Reframe Your Future course, where participants acquire the essential skills for enhancing their emotional intelligence.

Build your EQ to experience improved communication, strengthened relationships, and a heightened capacity for trustworthiness and trust.

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What's included?

  • 1-hour weekly online classes 
  • Instructor-led videos 
  • Bonus videos
  • Printable  workbook with weekly activities
  • Tools & techniques to build somatic intelligence

How To Manage Stress:

Managing stress in times of uncertainty and change is crucial. Learn how to manage your feelings so that stress doesn’t sabotage your efforts to grow to live the life you deserve to live.

How To Build Emotional Safety:

Get practical tools for building emotional safety by realising what you need to communicate, to who, and when, to feel emotionally safe.

Why Is Self-Love So Hard?

Without self-love, you aren’t able to reach a flow state and find joy and gratitude. Get practical tools to increase your sense of self-love.

How To Build Healthier Habits:

When we develop a healthier mindset, we develop healthier habits - in just 4 weeks, you’ll learn how to do this.


Get access to bonus learning material on building your somatic intelligence*
The Reframe Your Future course will teach you how to build & sustain healthier habits so you can see your future differently.

Our clients love us  

I like the Lara's motivates and her honesty. I wish I had the knowledge she has; giving answers so easily, with solutions allowing me to believe in myself.

Juanita De Wet
Administrator - Blue Jot PTY Ltd
It helped me to be more in tune with certain feelings and gave me more justification to put myself first more so that I can be better for my family. For many weeks it was like a sign that i should be more confident at work because I know what I'm doing. Which was awesome.

Manuela Twala
Finance Manager, Allstars Sports Betting
Lara's input has been invaluable. I loved her personal approach and always being able to identify with my and every other individuals' needs, and then knowing how to respond and mentor accordingly.

Heiko Mittwoch
Graphic Designer - Switch
You can read self help books till the cows come home and you know it makes sense; but it's not an action’ not a doing! What was wonderful about this course is actually sharing in the experiences and listening and learning from, you know, real people.

Claudia Johnson
PMC & Sales - SAP

The techniques shown and motivational videos that brought much understanding to emotional intelligence. Love your yourself the way you love others was an enlightening moment!

Sharon O`Connor

Assistant Reservations Manager - AndBeyond
My biggest take-away from the course is prioritizing myself, and being more in tune with myself and my needs and how not being in tune affects my emotional state and how I respond.

Linda Potgieter
GIBS Business School

My biggest take-away from the course is to try and become more aware of how I show up for myself.

Chris De Winnaar

The course could not have come at a better time for me. You have most certainly opened my eyes in all aspects. And I look forward to working on myself not only in the working environment but in my personal capacity.

Ronel Matkovich
Accounts Clerk, Finance, Cornwall Hill College

Get your flexible, convenient and impactful toolkit for building emotional intelligence.

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