Self-Esteem For Leaders

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Lesson series
  • Course duration: 12 Weeks
  • Course type: Online / Virtual
  • Course author: Saffron Baggallay
  • Facilitator/s: Lara Ellwood / Saffron Baggallay
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Certification included
We acknowledge your commitment to our courses, and as such, they all come with a certificate of completion, provided you meet our attendance criteria, complete the required online activities, and pass your final quiz.
Course overview
This course is the starting point for becoming an impactful leader. Learn how to make better decisions by gaining trust in yourself in any situation, thanks to healthy relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself. 
This practical  3-month course is designed to boost your confidence and help you view yourself with respect, courage, and certainty. You'll realise you can be a leader, no matter what's going on around you.
Over these 12 weeks, you will develop a growth mindset, which should improve how you respond to challenges.

Graduates will leave with increased self-belief, allowing for better communication with themselves and others.
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What's included?

  • 1-hour weekly online classes 
  • Instructor-led videos 
  • Bonus videos
  • Printable  workbook with weekly activities
  • Monthly quizzes
  • Tools & techniques to manage your stress 

Practice Living Consciously:

To start, we focus on conscious action, enabling you to live with mindfulness. Obtain practical tools for living with clarity and intention.

Practice Self-Acceptance:

We learn to examine the sources of our shame, as they lead us to become defensive, which is ultimately a form of self-disrespect. This cycle perpetuates the shame until we learn to break free from it.

Practice Self-Response(ability):

We teach leaders to respond to situations, relationships, and decisions, and to analyse their response for their own self-reflection. The ability to see oneself through others' eyes is an act of self-respect.

Practice Self-Assertiveness:

Learn not to compromise yourself or your health. Learn how to honour your own needs and values, and, very importantly, how to express them.

Practice Living Purposefully:

Leaders will learn to focus on the discipline needed to take action and achieve their self-esteem goals, ensuring that those goals are aligned with their purpose. Living 'in purpose' is a practice that is integrally linked to your happiness.

Practice Personal Integrity:

Acquire the tools you need to uphold your own judgment, standards, and beliefs.
Self-Esteem For Leaders is a 3-month practical course designed to boost your self-esteem and enable you to view yourself with respect, courage, and confidence. You will realise that you can be a leader, regardless of what happens around you.
This course enables people to work more effectively as leaders, communicators and human beings. An extraordinary mix of approaches to get the most out of life in an increasingly complicated world.

Chat to us to enrol yourself or your team.

Our clients love us 

In the sales industry, you need confidence and self-esteem to sell. It’s that simple. People don’t buy from negative people. And my sales team are affected by my self-esteem – If I can find ways to improve my self-esteem, and show them a positive attitude, it affects the entire business positively. So this is a crucial area for companies to focus on – even more so if you are chasing targets!

Chris Douglas
Owner of a Discovery Insurance Brokerage 

My biggest take-away from this course was to listen to by body sensations and to what they are telling me. That as crucial as it is to survive in communities or cultures I should not compromise my integrity as this has an impact on my happiness and my overall well-being physical, emotional and mental. Taking care of me is just as  important and it must priority.

Bavuyile Nongco

This course has helped me to know the difference between when to standup for what i believe is right and when to let the situation play out. It has taught me that not everything is about me and that believing in my self does not mean I can impose or force others to take " walk in my path" .I have learnt to be direct yet not a dictator but mostly . I learnt that , to me , I am important ,  I am worthy , strong and I trust that the decisions  I make for myself are to benefit self .

Lebo Mashele
Standard Bank
Lara's input has been invaluable. I loved her personal approach and always being able to identify with my and every other individuals' needs, and then knowing how to respond and mentor accordingly.

Heiko Mittwoch
Graphic Designer - Switch
You can read self help books till the cows come home and you know it makes sense; but it's not an action’ not a doing! What was wonderful about this course is actually sharing in the experiences and listening and learning from, you know, real people.

Claudia Johnson
PMC & Sales - SAP

Great, amazing sessions that keep you positive. People with a high self-esteem tend not to promote themselves. This statement stands out for me and I found it most useful. I will use this going forward in my work and personal life.

Zaid Waja
National FBAM, Shell Fleet Solutions
It helped me to be more in tune with certain feelings and gave me more justification to put myself first more so that I can be better for my family. For many weeks it was like a sign that i should be more confident at work because I know what I'm doing. Which was awesome.

Manuela Twala
Finance Manager, Allstars Sports Betting

I like the Lara's motivates and her honesty. I wish I had the knowledge she has; giving answers so easily, with solutions allowing me to believe in myself.

Juanita De Wet
Administrator - Blue Jot PTY Ltd

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