Why, What Happens In The Bathroom, Doesn't Happen In The Boardroom

An impactful & punchy powerhouse of ways to empower yourself, regardless of your gender, are included in this keynote.
  • Presented by:

    Saffron Baggallay
  • Presentation format:

    Online or Face-to-face
  • Estimated length:

    40-60 min
  • **Ideal for Lower to Top Management; Including Executive and C-Level Management

Why should you book this keynote for your next event?

  • Empowerment through Self-Awareness: Participants will gain a deeper understanding of their self-critical tendencies and learn strategies to challenge and overcome self-doubt.
  • Fostering Community and Collaboration: Attendees will recognise the significance of rebuilding a supportive community.
  • Navigating Challenges in Modern Times: Addressing the specific challenges faced by individuals, especially those from marginalised groups.

  • Redefining Leadership and Workplace Culture: Attendees will explore ways to challenge traditional corporate norms that demand conformity, particularly adopting assumed behaviours for success.

  • Building Healthy Resilience and Coping Strategies: The keynote will equip attendees with practical coping mechanisms to navigate the "perfect storm" of challenges.

The games we play with ourselves

Are you your own worst critic? Your self-judgment creates your own self-doubt? How do you compromise yourself, and your needs, in any area of your life? Have you believed that you have had to behave a certain way to get ahead in the corporate game? Women are more likely to compete & compare themselves with other women than men. Men have you found yourself doing this as well? Have you ever been sabotaged or back-stabbed by another person in your team or organisation?

Why does this happen?

These games are played because of a whole lot of mistrust and disrespect amongst people, which is a waste of energy for everyone. Energy we need to lead one another and support one another through unprecedented times in human history. We need to get the community back, the women's 'bathroom behaviour', where we actually see, and hear and hold one another. Otherwise we will not survive, never mind be fit for the future. As the women who marched to the Union Buildings in South Africa in 1956 sang, when you strike a women, you hit a rock. It’s time to get that spirit back by becoming more self-aware, learning to trust & respect ourselves, and thereby build quality connections with one another.

Pandemic Impact

80% of women report an increase in their workload both at work and at home since the onset of the pandemic. This presented additional challenges for various communities, including LGBT individuals and people of colour. Many now experience a diminished work-life balance. In hybrid workplaces, the pre-existing non-inclusive working conditions and discriminatory practices that have affected a wide range of individuals are exacerbated. The collective stress and limited coping strategies present a significant challenge for many, creating a critical situation. This is the real crisis.

Empowerment Reclaimed

Saffron has created this keynote because historic micro-aggressions have been inflicted on people for so long that they don’t even realise they are happening anymore. And if they do, they often ignore them, feeling defeated. When we add up the events of the last few years, we see a perfect storm. We are the only ones who can help ourselves out of this, but are we able to? Saffron believes we have to start behaving differently towards ourselves and others in order to become the eye of the storm.

Our clients love us  

On arrival we were immediately put at ease by Saffron’s warm and enticing personality. Saffron is truly a master of her craft and not only delivers her message with an expansive knowledge; she also does so with deep passion and conviction.

Ronnette Fenton
Application Management, EOH 
To say this was amazing is an understatement, Saffron is probably one of the best facilitators that I have come across in my years. She has truly ignited a fire in me and for the first time in the two years.

Sharon Cao
CEO, Odd Wine Out
Always present and in full acknowledgement of everyone in the room at all times.

Sibusiso Mkhize,
IT, SPAR Central Office
I loved saffron's ability to get participation from all. Her ability to show her own vulnerability allowed us to explore our own.

Cathy Chomse

Responsible Sourcing Manager, Massmart

Saffron was a complete hit, warming the crowd as soon as she stepped on stage. She was phenomenal. You could hear a pin drop in the room as the audience hung onto every word. 

Traci Freeman
Rockefeller Foundation

This is not a keynote... Saffron is a mind-reader.

Melisa Tsotetsi
Sales Associate at USBI

And we   our clients