Get to the core of who you really are
This reliable Enneagram sorting test
was designed by Don Riso and Russ
Hudson as published in their book - The
Wisdom Of The Enneagram.
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How to take the test
When it comes to your attitude and behaviour, select the paragraph below that most accurately reflects your personal history.
You don't need to agree with every word or statement in the paragraph, but you should agree with the paragraph's general tone and overall philosophy.
If you cannot decide which paragraph best fits you in one of the groups, you may make two choices, but only in one group, for example, C in group 1; and X and Y in group 2.
You don't need to agree with every word or statement in the paragraph, but you should agree with the paragraph's general tone and overall philosophy.
If you cannot decide which paragraph best fits you in one of the groups, you may make two choices, but only in one group, for example, C in group 1; and X and Y in group 2.
Group 1
Group 2
Now the fun part
What's your type?
Type 1
The definition of the One is someone who works towards changing something for the better, to improve it. This characteristic can be connected to all facets of one's involvement, be it in society, a community, home, or the workplace.
A Ones focus is on achieving a higher moral standard in these involvements, reacting confidently against adversities that come their way. Fulfilling their life purpose or life mission is something that inspires Ones, mirroring the ideals of well-known Ones like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.
Often, with this sense of purpose comes a feeling of needing to justify their actions to themselves and to others.
"Ones are innately honourable." - Saffron Baggallay
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Ones belong to the ‘body triad’ meaning they react instinctively. However, often Ones control their reactions, and, at their best, only respond to a stimulus after careful consideration, which directs their actions. “Ones are innately honourable”, says Saffron Baggallay.
At their most conscious, Ones are wise and serene and feel no need to fix, put right, or judge.
This is while maintaining their strong personal convictions and high moral standards. However, Ones can often be extremely critical of themselves and others because Ones come to unconsciously believe that they are only good enough when they are good.
As a result of this, Ones can become self-righteous and inflexible in their thoughts, ways, and opinions.
This can reflect a sense of being dogmatic and obsessive about the way things “should be” or “must be”.
At their best, Ones are inspirational and humane, achieving what they can with their level of influence, to make the world a better place.
They are ethical and fair, objective and reasonable. “Ones are extremely reliable, and have the potential to be highly organised, process-driven, and structured in the workplace, their community, or society,” says Saffron Baggallay.
Type 2
Watch the video here.
"Two's are heartfelt & empathetic leaders." - Saffron Baggallay
As a type Two, putting others first is
a priority. Twos are altruistic and
unselfish and love to be involved in
other people’s lives, lending a helping
hand wherever possible or necessary.
They are compassionate, and a
are drawn to them – they have the
ability to open their hearts to others,
uplifting and appreciating them.
Feeling this in return is important to
Twos because, like all of us, they
want to receive as much as they give
in terms of love and compassion, but
they don’t always know how to hear
others’ appreciation.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu is
considered a Two, because he
displays enormous amounts of
empathy and compassion towards
others. “Twos are naturally
emotionally intelligent, and may take
a lot of pride in how well they
understand others’ needs", says
"Two's are heartfelt & empathetic leaders." - Saffron Baggallay
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The feeling of needing to receive as much as they give can become consuming to Twos. They seek validation for their doings, often holding this in, which can lead to a buildup of resentment or anger towards those they care for deeply. This can sometimes be misunderstood by other types, whose primary focus might be elsewhere.
At their best, Twos are kindhearted, generous and are able to give so much of themselves to others, going out of their way to help, console and build others up.
They are sincere and forgiving and are able to see the best in people, bringing out the best in others too. Two’s love giving love and being loved, although they find it hard to receive love at times.
Twos may be regarded as people-pleasing, sometimes, to their own detriment. If they become disappointed in not getting back what they give out, Twos may begin to yearn for recognition and can become bitter towards those they’re close to. This can cause them to become overbearing and possessive.
“At their most conscious, Twos are aware of what others need but don’t feel the need to rush in and help because they are able to transcend their unconscious need to give, to get,” says Saffron Baggallay. They are heartfelt and empathetic leaders, who channel love and kindness into everything they do – into their work, their relationships and their community.
But be warned: don’t ever mistake a Two’s kindness for weakness.
Type 3
Watch the video here.
"Threes are inspiring and tenacious!" - Saffron Baggallay
As a Three, success is the ultimate goal. Threes define success differently, using their characteristics of being self-assured and focused, diplomatic and competitive, to achieve this success.
They are often looked up to as role models in the workplace, interpersonal relationships, and community.
They are motivational, encouraging others to be the best they can be. Because of this, Threes are usually popular amongst their peers.
Threes thrive off this – often pursuing what they are good at because of the praise they receive from others.
Type Threes fear failure and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and can often be labelled by others as workaholics.
"Threes are inspiring and tenacious!" - Saffron Baggallay
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Three’s want to be acknowledged for their hard work, seeking positive attention from others. Like all of us, Threes want to feel worthy and valued because their identity depends on how others see their value.
Oprah Winfrey, Madonna and Tiger Woods are all Threes, possessing competitiveness, focus and achievement traits.
“Threes are inspirational and tenacious at their best and can struggle with feeling like a fraud when internally they don’t think of themselves quite as highly as they pretend to feel,” says Saffron.
Doing whatever it takes to achieve their desired success can often be the downfall of a Three. They can become jealous and might start to compare themselves to others. They begin to seek approval in everything they do, and if this doesn’t happen, the fear of failure might begin to take over.
Threes might then begin to unconsciously fabricate who they really are, losing touch with themselves and their purpose. When conscious of their shadow, Threes are able to channel the subconscious matching up of their words and actions.
They can begin to create a genuine connection with themselves and others, motivating themselves and others around them.
“At their most conscious, Threes are extraordinary,” says Saffron. "They are energetic and authentic, effective and charming".
"Threes have the ability to make the most out of the situations they find themselves in, and not only do they seek opportunities, but they actually make things happen as well.”
Type 4
Watch the video here.
Fours are motivated by being unique, and are able to convey their individuality in all aspects of their lives.
This makes them self-expressive with a deep desire to figure out who they are and what their sense of purpose in the world is. They are “out of the box” problem solvers, and a great addition to any team in this respect, and when adding value in this regard.
Fours can be very productive. They are self-reflective and authentic, often looking for deeper meaning in their lives, as well as paying attention to how a connection feels between you and them.
Fours can get stuck in holding onto past experiences, matching these experiences to feelings. They possess a deep sense of self, which can be both a gift and a source of emotional pain for the Four.
"Fours are highly individualistic." - Saffron Baggallay
"Fours are highly individualistic." - Saffron Baggallay
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Fours can often feel like there is something missing in their life and long for that missing feeling to be filled.
Fours can often feel like there is something missing in their life and long for that missing feeling to be filled.
Because Fours default to expressing themselves as individuals, they can often feel misunderstood.
Fours value connection, which can sometimes lead them to feeling oversensitive or excessively emotional, which might seem draining to others.
Because they are aware of their own sensitivity, they are incredibly intuitive and sensitive towards others. Amy Winehouse and Prince are well-known Fours, with music as their main creative outlet.
“Fours at their best are emotionally perceptive, creative and emotionally balanced.
"When Fours are struggling, they can feel lost, abandoned and rejected by others.” says Saffron.
At their best, they are able to transform life experiences into valuable learnings, often using these to lead themselves and others towards a greater sense of purpose. They are tactful and self-aware, highly individualistic and purposeful.
Type 5
Watch the video here.
Fives are analytical and perceptive, open-minded, and headstrong. In addition to these characteristics, they are also adaptable and out-of-the-box thinkers, making them excellent problem solvers.
Calm in a crisis, they are able to think independently, and often other types rely on the Five to “know the answer”.
A Five may appear self-contained or scattered, preferring to keep their distance from others physically and seemingly emotionally. They may take a while to be comfortable around others, which might make them seem stand-offish.
This is often not the case, and in situations like this, they intentionally listen to and observe others.
"Fives are incredibly wise." - Saffron Baggallay
"Fives are incredibly wise." - Saffron Baggallay
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In fact, Fives are genuinely interested in other people and seek deep and meaningful conversations and connections with others and the world around them.
Fives love a mental challenge and have a real knack for research. They often have a highly developed vocabulary, and choose their words carefully.
They are usually slow and deliberate when speaking, often using rare words that many people don’t understand, which can feel frustrating to other types.
Fives love a mental challenge and have a real knack for research. They often have a highly developed vocabulary, and choose their words carefully.
They are usually slow and deliberate when speaking, often using rare words that many people don’t understand, which can feel frustrating to other types.
Because Fives are usually well-read and knowledgeable, they might come across as a “know-it-all”.
Famous Fives include historic academics like Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin. In more recent years, the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Thabo Mbeki have shown characteristics of Type Five.
Although forming intellectual connections is effortless for Fives, they might find it difficult to understand why they battle to connect with people on other, more emotional levels.
This can make them feel disconnected, which can cause them to possibly withdraw themselves further from social interaction. Fives also avoid conflict whenever possible, and this, coupled with being seemingly distant and wrapped up in their own thoughts, can lead people to think that the Five doesn’t want to be around them.
“Fives are often a classic case of 'still waters run deep'. If you take the time to get to know Fives at their pace, you will not be disappointed,” says Saffron.
At their best, Fives are extremely committed to what they do and are excellent at managing other people's relationships because of their natural ability to be objective. Fives are incredibly wise and insightful, instinctively choosing knowledge over social status.
Type 6
Watch the video here.
Sixes are incredibly loyal and appear warm, engaging, and empathetic.
They are motivated by a need for security and value security in all its sense. Sixes follow the rules until they don’t and always have an interesting relationship with authority figures and systems.
They are able to confront crises bravely and with a level head. They commit fully to projects they buy into and make great leaders who are conscientious and always prepared.
They are compassionate towards others and express a good-natured manner. Although sometimes appearing anxious, Sixes love to have fun and usually have a great sense of humour.
"Sixes are generous, in every sense." - Saffron Baggallay
"Sixes are generous, in every sense." - Saffron Baggallay
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Warm, gentle, and kind, Sixes are able to lead by example, focusing on the task at hand, rather than on their emotions or feelings.
Despite being incredibly capable, sometimes Sixes hone in on their weaknesses, and focus on these, making them overwhelmed and anxious.
They can become fixated on thinking about “worst-case scenarios”, tricking their minds into believing what is not true.
Despite being incredibly capable, sometimes Sixes hone in on their weaknesses, and focus on these, making them overwhelmed and anxious.
They can become fixated on thinking about “worst-case scenarios”, tricking their minds into believing what is not true.
Because they become hyper-vigilant, focusing on the “bad stuff”, Sixes can become self-defeating and paranoid.
“Sixes are often highly competent people because of their belief that they are not prepared enough or don’t know enough, which means they are usually the most informed type. This makes Sixes exceptionally reliable but puts a lot of pressure on them.” says Saffron Baggallay.
“Sixes are often highly competent people because of their belief that they are not prepared enough or don’t know enough, which means they are usually the most informed type. This makes Sixes exceptionally reliable but puts a lot of pressure on them.” says Saffron Baggallay.
At their most conscious and when facing their inner anxieties, Sixes are strong and courageous, they are loveable and affectionate, and are defenders of what is morally correct. They are generous, in every sense, to those around them, giving love, loyalty, and trust.
Type 7
Watch the video here.
Sevens are full of positive energy, motivated by their need to be truly happy. They are bright-eyed and take on challenges with an incredible sense of vitality.
They are very engaging and enthusiastic and are great storytellers.
Sevens love to be mentally stimulated, clutching onto challenges that are interesting, diverse and unpredictable.
Quick-thinking and highly creative, a Seven’s ideas might seem crazy or fantastical to other types.
They put a lot of pressure on themselves to get a lot done, all the time. They’re always on the go, go, go, sometimes exhausting themselves.
"Sevens are driven by boundless joy." - Saffron Baggallay
"Sevens are driven by boundless joy." - Saffron Baggallay
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Because Sevens are able to see the bigger picture, they are able to synthesise lots of information into a detailed plan without “sweating the small stuff”.
The difficulty comes in implementing these plans, with Sevens often finding it challenging to stick to how they have fitted the nuts and bolts together inside this bigger picture.
This might lead to Sevens becoming bored, leaving
plans they set out to complete, unfinished.
“Sevens are energized by what they perceive to be pleasurable to them.
Don’t ever assume that you know what that stimulus is, even if you think you know that seven well,” says Saffron. This talks to a Sevens ability to be adaptable and forever planning for the future.
Richard Branson, Elton John and Miriam Makeba are all Sevens; charming, imaginative and fun-loving. Other types love being around Sevens – their positive energy is contagious.
Because other types feed off a Seven’s optimism and positive energy, Sevens are sensitive to this and can begin to feel responsible for others’ happiness. Despite this feeling of responsibility, Seven’s avoid clinginess and neediness projected by other types. Sevens avoid feelings at all costs, which might come off as insensitive and selfish to others.
At their most conscious, Sevens are driven by the boundless joy life has to offer. This excites the Seven, sparking even more wonderful energy. They are resilient, light-hearted and joyful, deeply in tune with energies around them, and highly responsive to this.
Type 8
Usually backed by a strong physical presence or energy, the type Eight has courage in their own convictions, making their presence dominant and certain.
Type Eights are excellent self-starters and are very good at taking initiative. Eights are usually good teachers, mentors and providers and are motivated by a strong need for security, in every sense of the word, for themselves and whoever is in their tribe.
Because Eights are self-sufficient and can usually see things very quickly, they might become frustrated and argumentative when they feel out of control and when others don’t see their point of view.
"Eights are exceptional leaders." - Saffron Baggallay
"Eights are exceptional leaders." - Saffron Baggallay
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Eights are incredibly loyal. This loyalty may be experienced by their tight inner circle, and once you’re inside that inner circle, you’re there forever. This is unless you betray them.
Eights take a long time to express forgiveness and will never forget injustices done to them.
They’re more sensitive than people think, and when the Eight can trust that you are truthful with them, they can be very calm, gentle and kind.
Eights are exceptional leaders and visionaries, often taking on “fights” and burdens which are not even theirs in the protection of what’s just, right and fair.
"Eights have a soft spot for the underdog because they cannot stand discrimination, and they often get themselves into trouble with the authority or system on behalf of others,” says Saffron. This talks to an Eights ability to protect those around them, which is an act of their care for others.
"Eights have a soft spot for the underdog because they cannot stand discrimination, and they often get themselves into trouble with the authority or system on behalf of others,” says Saffron. This talks to an Eights ability to protect those around them, which is an act of their care for others.
Mother Teresa, Winnie Mandela, and Serena Williams are Eights. All expressing incredible compassion and assertiveness, these women are self-made and powerful.
At their most conscious, Eight’s are strong and in control of their own destiny. They stand up for people and things they believe in. They carry others comfortably with their strength, and will do anything for those they care about.
Type 9
Motivated by the greater good for all, Nines have an incredible way of seeing everyone’s point of view.
They are able to be objective whilst still expressing empathy, making them the person other people often turn to in conflict situations.
Other types respond to this well and enjoy being in the company of a Nine.
They’re easy to be around, as they rarely show negative or strong emotions that may contradict or conflict with others.
Nines tend to take the path of least resistance, and although they’re great at navigating conflict between others, they tend to avoid clashes with others.
"Nines are exceptionally good at listening." - Saffron Baggallay
"Nines are exceptionally good at listening." - Saffron Baggallay
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Because a Nine tends to avoid conflict, other types might mistake this for being placid and uninterested. They may tend to shy away from problems and take criticism hard.
With their ability to “go with the flow”, Nines are able to relax and have a good time easily, and can look like they are living very much in the here and now.
This can lead to a Nine feeling like they’re not being truly heard or taken seriously by others, though. Nines can then become stubborn and passive-aggressive, unable to make what they actually want clear to others.
Impartial and unbiased, Barak Obama, Queen Elizabeth II and Whoopie Goldberg are famous type Nines. They are good listeners and peacekeepers, effortlessly allowing people to feel at ease in their presence.
A Nine can accommodate other people to a point where they build up resentment about not being respected. When Nines realise that they need to show up, they have the capacity to do so with courage and strength.
“Nines are exceptionally good at listening, being a sounding board and also offering advice, and because they are motivated by the greater good, and can and will work tirelessly on behalf of others,” says Saffron.
“Nines are exceptionally good at listening, being a sounding board and also offering advice, and because they are motivated by the greater good, and can and will work tirelessly on behalf of others,” says Saffron.
When in touch with their highest self, Nines are accepting, stable and open-minded. They are content with themselves and where they are at, they are unpretentious and are genuinely good-natured.
They give off a calming presence and are able to bring people together. When a Nine finds what they are passionate about, they become incredibly strong and are fully connected to themselves and others.